徐帆(教授、博士生导师,特立青年学者,国家级青年人才,中国计算机学会CCF高级会员,中国计算机学会生物信息学专委会执行委员,中国医药生物技术协会生物医学成像技术分会委员)。长期从事超分辨成像与智能计算领域的研究,探索人工智能与科学计算双驱动的协同优化方法,提高人工智能方法在微观科学探测的鲁棒性、可解释性和通用性,推动超分辨显微成像智能化发展,为生命活动的观测提供新的技术手段。代表性论著发表在国际顶级期刊Nature Methods、Cell Research、Nature Communications、Protein & Cell、Bioinformatics、Biomedical Optics Express等,并应用其研究在生物学方面做出了新的科学发现,产生了重要的影响。
1. 图像感知和智能计算:以信息技术为分析手段,实现海量生物图像数据的高效处理和信息重构,研究涉及数值模拟、图像处理、生物信息、机器学习和高性能计算等。
2. 新型光学显微仪器设计:以成像系统为依托,实现多维度光信息提取的新技术和方法,研究涉及光学设计、显微成像技术开发和软硬件系统控制等。
3. 生物成像和量化分析:以生物功能的探索为驱动,实现生物大分子、细胞及组织等多尺度的精细化和定量化的分析,研究涉及分子生物学、细胞生物学和生物化学等。
1.《The innovation》青年编委;
2. 担任Nature Methods; Journal of the American Chemical Society; Fundamental Research; Analytical Chemistry; Biomedical Optics Express; Optics Express; Optics Letters等国际期刊审稿人
代表性论著涵盖Nature Methods、Cell Research、Protein & cell、Nature Communications、Bioinformatics、Biomedical Optics Express等多个国际顶级期刊
1.J. Liu, Y. Li, T. Chen, F. Zhang and F. Xu#. “Machine learning for single-molecule localization microscopy: from data analysis to quantification”, Analytical Chemistry, 96 (28), 11103-11114, 2024.
2.H. Gao, F. Xu, X. Cheng, A. Chubykin and F. Huang. “Sub-10-nm axial resolution 3D imaging of dendritic spine in mouse brain tissue using 4Pi super-resolution microscopy with in situ PSF retrieval”, Biophysical Journal, 123 (3), 434a, 2024.
3.J. Qiu, F. Yue, P. Zhu, J. Chen, F. Xu, L. Zhang, K.H. Kim, M.M. Snyder, N. Luo, H. Xu, F. Huang, W. Tao and S. Kuang. “FAM210A is essential for cold-induced mitochondrial remodeling in brown adipocytes”, Nature Communications, 14(1): 6344, 2023.
4.Y. Wang, L.D. Troughton, F. Xu, A. Chatterjee, C. Ding, H. Zhao, L.P. Cifuentes, R.B. Wagner, T. Wang, S. Tana and J. Chen. “Atypical peripheral actin band formation via overactivation of RhoA and nonmuscle myosin II in mitofusin 2-deficient cells”. Elife, 12, p.e88828, 2023.
5.S. Gao*, F. Xu*, H. Li, F, Xue, M. Zhang, P. Xu and F. Zhang. “DETECTOR: structural information guided artifact detection for super-resolution fluorescence microscopy image”, Biomedical Optics Express, 12(9), 5751-5769, 2021. *Co-first authors.
6.F. Xu*, D. Ma*, K. P. MacPherson, S. Liu, Y. Bu, Y.Wang, Y. Tang, C. Bi, T. Kwok, A. A. Chubykin, P. Yin, S. Calve, G. E. Landreth and F. Huang. “Three dimensional nanoscopy of whole cells and tissues with in situ point spread function retrieval”, Nature Methods, 17(5), 531-540, 2020. *Co-first authors.
7.H. Li*, F. Xu*, S. Gao, M. Zhang, F, Xue, P. Xu and F. Zhang. “Live-SIMBA: an ImageJ plug-in for the universal and accelerated single molecule-guided Bayesian localization super resolution microscopy (SIMBA) method”, Biomedical Optics Express, 11(10), 5842-5859, 2020. *Co-first authors.
8.S. An, K. Ziegler, P. Zhang, Y. Wang, T. Kwok, F. Xu, C. Bi, S. Matosevic, P. Yin, T. Li and F. Huang. “Axial plane single-molecule super-resolution microscopy of whole cells”, Biomedical Optics Express, 11(1), 461-479, 2020.
9.M. Zhang, Z. Fu, C. Li, A. Liu, D. Peng, F. Xue, W. He, S. Gao, F. Xu, D. Xu, L. Yuan, F. Zhang, Z. Xu, T. Xu and P. Xu. “Fast super-resolution imaging technique and immediate early nanostructure capturing by a photoconvertible fluorescent protein”, Nano Letter, 20(4), 2197-2208, 2019.
10.F. Xue, W. He, F. Xu, M. Zhang, L. Chen and P. Xu. “Hessian single-molecule localization microscopy using sCMOS camera”, Biophysics Reports, 4(4), 215-221, 2018.
11.Y. Li*, F. Xu*, F. Zhang, P. Xu, M. Zhang, M. Fan, L. Li. X. Gao and R. Han. “DLBI: deep learning guided Bayesian inference for structure reconstruction of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy”, Bioinformatics, 34(13), 284-294, 2018. *Co-first authors.
12.F. Xu*, M. Zhang*,W. He, R. Han, F. Xue, Z. Liu, F. Zhang, J. Lippincott-Schwartz and P. Xu. “Live cell single molecule-guided Bayesian localization super resolution microscopy”, Cell Research, 27(5), 713-716, 2017. (highlighted in Nature Methods) *Co-first authors.
13.F. Xu, M. Zhang, Z. Liu, P. Xu and F. Zhang. “Bayesian localization microscopy based on intensity distribution of fluorophores”, Protein & cell, 6(3), 211-220, 2015.
14.R. Han, L., F. Xu, Y. Zhang, M. Zhang, Z. Liu, F. Ren and F. Zhang. “Drift correction for single molecule imaging by molecular constraint field, a distance minimum metric”, BMC Biophysics, 8(1), 1, 2015.
15.G. Wang and F. Xu, “Precise improvement of ISAF reconstruction algorithm based on the computational radius of density function”, Bio-medical materials and engineering, 24(6), 3787-3795, 2014.